Wednesday 14 September 2016

Issue 2, three years late!

I just had a wonderful conversation with a very good friend about the Paper Cafe Booklazine I created in August 2013.

I had slipped a copy into a handmade book, that was a gift to her and her newly born baby girl. The other copies of the booklazine were given away (in fact I don't have a copy left for myself) and I had almost forgotten that it existed.

Until today, when much to my delight Amy told me that Evelyn always asks her to read the booklazine out loud to her, every page, every word. How sweet.

Amy also said the words 'oh no, not this again, I hope there is another one soon.' Hmm not so sweet but perhaps more powerful, as I came home and immediately started planning issue 2. It's only 3 years late, but Amy it's on it's way I promise!

I'm not saying it's going to be a regular thing, but for now at least Amy and Evelyn will have something new to read.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Someday I'll live in a big house with a big car...

I heard that a man wrote a song for his love, he poured his heart and his soul into the page and the microphone and he sang for her heart, for her hand and for the future. Now what did he say, let me think... it was amazing it was so beautiful and engaging. He sang about her lips, about her eyes and her fingertips. He sang about his heart, about her hair, about her voice and then I swear he sang about her dancing! How he'd take her dancing around the streets of Paris, Rome and how he'd take her home. He wanted to grow old with her and that's the part I liked the best. The part where their love lasted forever and how their love would grow into their family and the home they built and the plants they grew and this tree he would plant to make sure their love lasted for 100 years. 100 year, or more, imagine that. 100 year or more.

How I'd love a man to sing a song like that, to pour his heart onto the page and the microphone and tell me how he loved me.

They say though that the girl was not impressed, she said he was persistent and annoying. She didn't like the song or him and then she sent him away. He disappeared out of sight, away from all of his friends and family. Just for a while. Just for a thought. Just to see what life would be like without her. And guess what he found? It was okay, okay to write a song about a girl and for it not to be heard, not to be sung. It was okay to love someone and for them not to love you back. It was okay. He was okay.