Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Wild Life: A Snow White Complex

Two things happened the other day that I wasn’t expecting.

1. I got offered a job as Wildplay Officer for Staffordshire Wildlife Trust
2. We found a ferret in the garage

After my interview a dandelion seed flew in through one of my car windows, it danced around my windscreen for a few seconds and flew straight back out again. I remember thinking maybe it was a sign; maybe I should make a wish.

About half an hour after I got the call offering me the job, we decided to go for a celebratory drive in the MG (it’s not ours we are just babysitting it for a while) and as we opened the garage door Si stood back in shock. ‘What’s that!’

There was a small white animal poking it’s head out from under the car, sniffing the air and totally unafraid. A pet, lost in the maze of gardens in the village. To be honest I was a little afraid, I had a bad hamster when I was younger and just kind of assume small fluffy things are going to bite. But it turned out this little fellow was very friendly and even allowed Si to pick him up.

A couple of inquiries later and satisfied we weren’t going to find his owner quickly (our neighbours said they had seen him a couple of times over the last few months behind their shed) I took him off to the local vets.

As he settled into his cage he rubbed his fluffy head and back into the bedding and I’m sure he smiled as the vet cooed and petted him. She promised to find his owner but she seemed so smitten I wouldn’t be surprised if he was sitting on her sofa with her right now.

Now I’m not saying the two things are linked, I get a job with the Wildlife Trust and suddenly I’m rescuing animals from the garage! However I have been thinking about buying the makeup to make my ‘skin as white as now, my lips as red as blood’ and dying my hair ‘as black as ebony.’ You know so I can be ‘the fairest of them all.'

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